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Comprehensive CRO Glossary | Key Terms & Definitions

Aug 27

3 min read




Navigate the world of CRO with ease using our user-friendly glossary. We've simplified complex industry terminology, breaking down key concepts and metrics commonly used by conversion rate optimization experts. This resource helps you to better understand CRO jargon, making it accessible to everyone.



A/B Testing

A/B testing involves comparing two versions of a webpage to see which one performs better. You show each version to a distinct set of users. The version with better results is chosen for use.

Behavioral Targeting

Behavioral targeting customizes content based on users' past behaviors, like pages visited or items viewed. This helps show users relevant ads or offers. The goal is to increase engagement and conversions.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate measures the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate means visitors are not finding what they need. Reducing this rate can improve engagement.

Call to Action (CTA)

A CTA is a prompt on a webpage that encourages visitors to take a specific action, like "Buy Now" or "Sign Up." Effective CTAs are clear and interesting. They guide users toward completing desired actions.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR measures the percentage of users who click on a link or ad compared to those who see it. A higher CTR means your links or ads are more engaging. It's used to evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.


Eye-tracking technology monitors where users look on a webpage. It helps understand which areas attract the most attention and how users navigate. This information can guide design improvements.

Form Conversion

Form conversion tracks how many users complete and submit a form on your site. A higher form conversion rate means your forms are effective and user-friendly. It's crucial for capturing leads or information.


Micro-conversions are small actions that lead towards a larger goal, like signing up for a newsletter or adding items to a cart. They show user interest and engagement. Tracking these helps optimize the path to major conversions.

Multivariate Testing (MVT)

MVT tests multiple variables on a webpage simultaneously to see how they affect user behavior. Unlike A/B testing, which compares two versions, MVT helps identify which combination of changes works best.


Personalization involves tailoring content or offers based on individual user data, like their previous purchases or browsing history. It aims to make the user experience more relevant and engaging.

Sales Funnel

The sales funnel represents the stages a customer goes through before making a purchase, from awareness to decision. Understanding this helps optimize each stage to improve conversions.

Split Testing

Split testing, or A/B testing, compares two different versions of a webpage to see which one performs better. Each version is shown to a different group of users. The better-performing version is selected for wider use.

Statistical Significance

Statistical significance measures whether the results of an experiment are likely because of chance. It ensures that observed differences are real and not random. This helps make reliable conclusions from test results.

Type 1 Error

A Type 1 error occurs when a test wrongly shows a significant effect when there isn't one. It's also known as a false positive. Minimizing this error helps avoid incorrect conclusions.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

A USP is what makes your product or service different and better than competitors. It's a unique feature or benefit that attracts customers. Clearly defining your USP helps stand out in the market.

Website Readability

Website readability measures how easy it is for visitors to read and understand your content. Good readability involves clear language, simple sentences, and a well-organized layout. It helps to engage and keep visitors.


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