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CRO Best Practices: Maximize Conversions and Improve Results

Aug 26

12 min read




Want to turn more website visitors into customers? That's where Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) comes in. CRO focuses on enhancing website performance to increase desired user actions, such as purchases and registrations. 

The digital marketing landscape is filled with CRO best practices that have driven remarkable improvements in online results and website performance. 

Expert Insights: The Hidden Risks of Copycat CRO Best Practice

This success often tempts businesses to adopt the same strategies as quick fixes, so they can follow industry leaders. However, Shanelle Mullin from Shopify offers a word of caution and emphasizes the importance of relying on systematic processes for CRO instead:

"While tactics and growth hacks might be sexier than systematic processes, you should rely on the latter."

The reason for this is simple. You shouldn't copy because what works for them might not work for you. 

Every website is unique, with its distinct set of audiences and challenges. Even Ben Jesson, CEO and Founder of Conversion Rate Experts emphasizes the importance of a systematic approach. 

He uses their published methodology as an example, stating that not only is it different from best practices people are following, but it is also derived from a simple but: 

"…powerful empathic understanding of your website visitors and customers." 

A Systematic Approach to CRO: Test, Learn, Improve

While the specifics may vary, a typical CRO process often follows these general steps:

  1. Analyze your website's unique characteristics using both qualitative and quantitative research to pinpoint areas needing improvement.

  2. Leverage your research findings to generate ideas for tests and experiments.

  3. Rank these ideas using a structured prioritization framework, such as ICE or PXL.

  4. Launch the test or experiment deemed most critical based on your prioritization.

  5. Evaluate the outcomes thoroughly.

  6. Document and store the results for future reference.

  7. Apply insights gained from your latest test or experiment to inform and refine future testing ideas.

This approach creates a cyclical process of continuous improvement, where each round of testing builds upon the lessons learned from previous efforts.

Effective website optimization requires a holistic approach that combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods. 

This integrated strategy is crucial for a thorough Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) process because it helps you to gain a thorough understanding of user behavior and motivations while also measuring key performance metrics. 

Although it might seem like a lot to do, but with the right CRO Tools and workflows, it can be done efficiently.

Analyze your website's unique characteristics using both qualitative and quantitative research to pinpoint areas needing improvement.

Analyzing your website's unique characteristics through both qualitative and quantitative research is essential for pinpointing areas that need improvement. This approach ensures that optimization efforts are data-driven and tailored to meet the specific needs of your users. 

As Peep Laja, Principal, CXL puts it:

"Conversion optimization is 80% research and 20% experimentation. Dedicate more time and energy on conducting conversion research, both qualitative and quantitative sides of it."

Understanding Your Customers 

From the Qualitative Research side of things, you need to get to know your customers.

This includes:

  • Recognizing the various customer types and their needs

  • Uncovering the issues in user experience

  • Collecting and comprehending customers' concerns and objections

How to gather qualitative research data

Gathering qualitative research data involves engaging directly with users to understand their experiences and challenges. The following table outlines various methods, tools, and their purposes in qualitative research, helping to uncover deep insights that can drive user-centered improvements.





User Interviews

Conduct one-on-one discussions to explore user needs and experiences.

Zoom, Microsoft Teams, in-person

Understand individual user motivations and challenges.

Usability Testing

Observe users interacting with your product to identify usability issues.

Hotjar,, in-person

Discover usability problems and areas for improvement.

Customer Feedback

Collect and analyze qualitative feedback from surveys or reviews.

SurveyMonkey, Typeform, Google Forms

Gain insights into user satisfaction and suggestions.

By understanding your customers from their perspective, you'll be able to map out their behavior at different stages, improve each interaction, and create a cohesive journey. Margo Aaron, Copywriter, and Founder, That Seems Important stresses that this is all about your customers and what they want:

"Pay more attention to what your market actually wants. Not what you want to give them. Not what you think they need. Not what your boss wants to show off. Not what your manager said you need to give them."

"What. your. market. actually. wants."

Bianca Darie, Conversion Optimization Specialist at Cyberghost, also reminds us that all customers are human and therefore we should view CRO through the lens of human relationships:

"In CRO, it's crucial to remember that you're dealing with real people, not robots. Think of the conversion process as building friendships in the digital world." 

With these insights, you can start developing hypotheses and design A/B tests to see what works.

Understanding Your Website 

You also need to know your website's performance. To recognize its strengths, weaknesses, and potential there are CRO Tools to help you gather important metrics about your website to see if it is the reason for their behavior and frustrations. 

  • How do they interact with your current setup?

  • What could make their experience smoother?

How to gather quantitative research data:

To effectively gather quantitative research data, businesses can use various methods and tools that measure user behavior and website performance. The table below outlines key strategies like web analytics, heatmaps, and A/B testing, along with their respective purposes and tools.





Web Analytics

Measures website performance and user behavior.

Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics

Track metrics like bounce rate, time on site, and conversion rates.


Visualizes where users click, scroll, and hover.

Hotjar, Crazy Egg

Identify user engagement patterns and areas of interest.

A/B Testing

Compares different versions of a webpage to determine which performs better.

Optimizely, VWO

Assess the impact of different page elements on user behavior.

Surveys with Likert Scales

Collects numeric responses on user satisfaction and opinions.

SurveyMonkey, Typeform

Quantify user opinions and satisfaction levels.

Session Recordings

Records user interactions on the website for analysis.

Hotjar, FullStory

Observe user behavior and identify usability issues.

Leverage your research findings to generate ideas for tests and experiments.

Start by creating detailed user personas using a combination of quantitative and qualitative data. These personas will help guide your optimization efforts. Next, map out the typical user journey on your site to identify frustrations and opportunities for improvement. 

How to conduct A/B Tests

A/B testing strategies involve comparing two versions of a webpage or app to determine which performs better in achieving a specific goal, such as conversions or clicks. 

By systematically changing elements like headlines, images, or calls to action, businesses can identify which version resonates more with their audience. This data-driven approach helps optimize user experience and improve overall performance.



Hypothesis Creation

Start with a clear hypothesis based on user data and insights. For example, if users are abandoning a checkout page, you might hypothesize that simplifying the form will reduce abandonment.

Test Variations

Create different versions of your page or element to test. Ensure that changes are significant enough to potentially impact performance but not so drastic that they confuse users.

Statistical Significance

Run tests long enough to gather sufficient data for reliable results. Ensure the sample size is adequate to achieve statistical significance. 

Analyzing A/B Test Results and Implementing Changes:

When improving your website, deciding based on solid information is important. 

Use statistical tools to look at your test results carefully. Pay attention to big differences in how well different versions of your site are doing - like how many people are buying, clicking, or engaging with your content. 

Once you find a better version, apply it to your site. Keep testing and tweaking other parts of your website to make sure it keeps getting better. This way, you're always moving forward and improving your visitors' experience.

Common A/B Testing Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them:

  • Inadequate Sample Size: Testing with too few users can lead to inconclusive or misleading results. Ensure you have a large enough sample to provide reliable data.

  • Testing Multiple Variables: Testing too many changes at once can make it difficult to determine which change caused the observed results. Focus on one variable per test.

Rank these ideas using a structured prioritization framework, such as ICE or PXL.

Prioritize the issues you've identified using a framework like ICE (Impact, Confidence, Ease), focusing first on high-impact, high-confidence improvements. This framework helps you evaluate each issue by considering:

  • Impact: How much influence or change the solution could have on your overall goals?

  • Confidence: How certain you are that the solution will deliver the desired results?

  • Ease: How straightforward it would be to implement the solution?

Finally, develop clear hypotheses based on your research to guide your A/B testing and optimization strategies.

Launch the test or experiment deemed most critical based on your prioritization.

Start with the test or experiment that is most important based on what you've prioritized. This means tackling the change that could have the biggest impact on your website's performance first. Prioritizing involves looking at factors like how much a test could improve things, how easy it is to implement, and how confident you are in the idea. 

To ensure your conversion rate optimization (CRO) efforts are effective, it's crucial to follow best practices that make your tests well-planned and likely to provide valuable insights. Here are some key examples of CRO best practices that can help you design meaningful experiments and achieve better results:

  1. Importance of UX in Conversion Rates

A well-designed website creates a positive first impression, which can affect user engagement and conversion rates. In addition, an intuitive design also helps users find what they need quickly, which reduces frustration and increases the likelihood of conversion.

Optimizing Website Navigation and Layout

Besides using clear, concise labels and maintaining a logical hierarchy for easy navigation, a responsive design is essential to ensure your website performs smoothly across all devices, including mobile phones and tablets.

Enhancing Mobile User Experience

Optimizing the mobile user experience is crucial for retaining users and driving conversions. Focus on making touch elements user-friendly and improving load times to enhance overall engagement on mobile devices.



Touch-Friendly Elements

Ensure buttons and links are large enough to be easily tapped on mobile devices.

Load Times

Optimize mobile page load times to prevent users from leaving because of slow performance.

  1. Landing Page Optimization

Landing page optimization is the process of fine-tuning web pages to maximize their potential for converting visitors into customers or leads. By strategically enhancing elements, such as design, content, and user experience, businesses can significantly improve their conversion rates and overall marketing performance.

Key Elements of High-Converting Landing Pages: 

To create an effective website, use clear, attention-grabbing headlines that communicate the value of the offer.

As Nichole Elizabeth DeMere, B2B SaaS Marketing Consultant, emphasizes, 

"You don't want to launch a landing page without a strong value proposition. I see this happen far too often — I go to a website, and the value proposition does not convey the product's value. It's generic, or vague, or not there at all. There's nothing that tells potential customers, at a glance, why they should be interested in the product or how it helps them solve their pain points."

In addition, incorporate high-quality visuals, such as images or videos, that support your message and resonate with your target audience.

Techniques for Effective Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons

To enhance website effectiveness, ensure that CTAs are highly visible by using contrasting colors and placing them prominently. Incorporate action-oriented text with strong verbs and a sense of urgency, such as "Get Started Now." 

When crafting persuasive headlines and copy, focus on the benefits users will gain from taking action rather than merely listing features. Remember to use clear, concise language to communicate your message effectively.

Personalization and Segmentation

Effective landing page optimization leverages the power of personalization and segmentation to deliver highly relevant experiences to visitors. By analyzing user data, behavior patterns, and demographics, you can create targeted landing pages that resonate with specific audience segments. 

Sue Duris, Director of Marketing & Customer Experience at M4 Communications, Inc., emphasized that understanding the buyer's experience allows us to map their behavior across different touchpoints.

Bianca Darie, Conversion Optimization Specialist at Cyberghost, also stressed that: 

"In CRO, it's crucial to remember that you're dealing with real people, not robots. Think of the conversion process as building friendships in the digital world." 

When you know more about your customer and their needs, this will allow you to customize messaging, offers, and content that addresses the needs and preferences of different user groups. 

Advanced techniques such as dynamic content insertion and real-time personalization can further enhance the user experience, making visitors feel understood and valued, ultimately driving better results for your marketing efforts.

  1. Analytics and Metrics

Effective landing page optimization relies on data-driven decision-making. By leveraging analytics and key metrics, you can gain valuable insights into user behavior, identify areas for improvement, and measure the success of your optimization efforts. 

As Brian O'Sullivan, Head of Growth Marketing at Leadfeeder, puts it: 

"Get to know the statistics. It's boring and unsexy, but it's hard to be an effective conversion rate optimizer without knowing the stats."

Essential Metrics for Tracking Conversion Rates

Monitoring key performance indicators is crucial for evaluating landing page effectiveness. 

The conversion rate shows the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase. 

The bounce rate shows the percentage of visitors who leave after viewing only one page, which can signal issues with user expectations or usability. 

Last but not least, tracking the Average Order Value (AOV) reveals the typical amount spent per transaction, helping assess the landing page's effectiveness in driving higher-value conversions.

Tools and Software for CRO Analysis

There are several useful CRO Tools that can help optimization efforts. Google Analytics provides comprehensive data on website performance and user behavior, offering valuable insights for improvement. 

Both heatmaps and session recordings can also help you understand how users interact with your site. The goal is to look for patterns and trends in the data to identify areas for improvement.

In addition, you can also use data from A/B tests to determine which changes have the most significant impact.

  1. Form Optimization

Forms are often the last hurdle between a visitor and a conversion on the landing page, which is why optimizing your forms can significantly improve user experience and increase conversion rates.

When designing a form, you should:

  • Opt for a simple layout with clean, clearly labeled fields when designing a form.

  • Avoid overwhelming users by displaying the entire form filled with data at once.

  • Use progressive disclosure to show only necessary fields initially.

  • Reveal additional fields as needed to keep the experience manageable for customers.

Implementing a feature that allows users to save their progress and return to complete a form later can significantly reduce abandonment rates, especially for longer or more complex forms.

  1. Trust Signals and Social Proof

Using Testimonials, Reviews, and Case Studies Effectively:

To use testimonials, reviews, and case studies effectively, focus on authenticity and visibility. Ensure that you use genuine testimonials and reviews from real customers to build trust with your audience. 

Besides that, you can also place these trust signals prominently on key pages, such as landing pages and product pages, to maximize their impact and enhance credibility.

Importance of Trust Badges and Secure Payment Options:

Security badges and diverse payment options build trust and streamline transactions. These features reassure users about safety, cater to preferences, and make checkout smoother, enhancing overall customer confidence.

Building Credibility with User-Generated Content:

Building credibility is crucial for boosting conversions, and user-generated content offers a powerful way to achieve this. 

Encourage your customers to leave reviews and ratings for your products or services, as these authentic testimonials can significantly influence potential buyers' decisions. These firsthand accounts provide social proof and help build trust in your brand.

Featuring user reviews and social media praise on your site builds trust and shows potential customers that others value your product.

  1. Conversion Funnel Analysis

Conversion Funnel Analysis tracks the customer's journey from interest to purchase. It reveals bottlenecks and opportunities to boost conversion rates at each stage.

Mapping Out and Analyzing the Conversion Funnel:

Mapping the conversion funnel reveals user behavior across key stages, from awareness to decision. Analyzing this journey uncovers drop-off points and opportunities to optimize.

Identifying and Addressing Drop-Off Points:

To boost conversions, identify where users leave your site and why. Analyze exit pages, then make targeted improvements, like simplifying forms or enhancing CTAs to reduce drop-offs.

Strategies for Optimizing Each Stage of the Funnel:

Optimize your funnel by targeting each stage so that you can use focused marketing to attract customers, provide valuable information to aid decision-making, and streamline checkout with incentives to boost conversions. 

  1. Behavioral Targeting

Behavioral targeting personalizes marketing based on user actions. It delivers tailored content and offers to boost conversion potential.

Leveraging User Behavior Data for Targeted Marketing:

Leveraging user behavior data is key to effective targeted marketing. Through behavioral segmentation, marketers group users based on their on-site actions, such as pages visited or products viewed. 

This insight enables personalized offers and recommendations tailored to individual interests. This data-driven approach enhances user experience with relevant content and boosts conversion rates by aligning marketing with user interests.

Implementing Exit-Intent Pop-Ups and Retargeting Ads:

Advanced targeting techniques can significantly boost conversion rates. Exit-Intent Pop-Ups captures users' attention at the crucial moment they're about to leave, offering special deals to encourage last-minute conversions. 

1 - Optimonk

Retargeting Ads complement this strategy by displaying tailored advertisements to previous visitors who didn't convert, keeping your brand top-of-mind and providing additional opportunities to showcase your value proposition. 

These methods effectively re-engage potential customers, increasing the chances of conversion beyond the initial site visit.

Take home

In today's competitive digital landscape, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is crucial for turning website visitors into valuable customers. By implementing best practices, you can significantly enhance your website's performance and drive desired user actions.

Remember, CRO is an ongoing process of testing, learning, and improving. By consistently refining your strategies and adapting to user needs, you'll turn more visitors into loyal customers, driving sustainable growth for your business.


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